Intimacy with Jasmine Mazlika

Featuring Jasmine Mazlika, Photography eucari.
The translation follows below the Japanese. Special Thanks to AIAIAI.

ダンサーとトラックメイカー、DJのJasmine Mazlika。「私の中で踊らないことには、何もできないし、何も始まらない」、

Jasmine Mazlika is a dancer, trackmaker and DJ.
For her, dancing is breathing, and she posts daily on Instagram of herself dancing with a baby on the way.
We asked her about her music and dance, and how it changes when her body is not just her own.



今まで影響をうけた音楽や映画を尋ねると「DJ KENSEIさんが手掛けるプロジェクト全般、BLACK SMOKER RECORDS、Dumb Type、デイヴィッド・リンチの映画作品…。自分の身体や精神の更に奥にある、簡単に言語化できないような概念を、美しく唯一無二の画期的な方法で表現する人に惹かれます。彼らの作品を聞いたり見たりすることで、自分が本当に心を燃やせるもを見つけてこれました」


インスタグラム: @jasmine_mazlika

"I've alwasy been outside but I cannot go out a lot while expecting a baby. I sometimes feel left alone, but I'm proud to experience the little universe inside me, and I wish I could express myself in a way that I can only do now."

She met her husband at a dance battle event. 'We have different taste, but we often share the same expressions that strike us, and we inspire each other's creativity by dancing, making music and talking.'

When asked about the music and films that have influenced her: "DJ Kensei's projects in general, BLACK SMOKER RECORDS, Dumb Type, David Lynch's films... I am attracted to people who express concepts that are further inside their own body and psyche, that cannot be easily verbalised, in a beautiful, unique and groundbreaking way. By listening to and watching their works, I have been able to find what really burns me."

'Music-making is about capturing the unverbalised thoughts, nuances and sensations within me in a form that is reproducible. In terms of music as a dancer, I have a huge respect for music, but I don't think it's right to leave too much to the music. The ideal relationship between music and dance, is in which there are latent thoughts and stories in myself, and when these are intertwined with the music, they are brought out more, or the emotions are taken one step further."

Instagram: @jasmine_mazlika