Shu Yu: To Meet Is To Part

Meet Shu Yu, a Chengdu-born photographis based in Tokyo. Through his lens, Shu explores complication and vulnerability of relationships. In this nterview, he opens up about his personal struggles, his experiences with love, and the transformative power of photography.


Photography Shu Yu, Models Kagou Feng and Robin, Hair Shinya Fukami, Makeup Katherine Jin, Assistants Yimreang and Shuran Guo, Editor eucari .

“People come and go, but those who truly care for you will always be there.

"Love is blind," Shu begins, pondering the mysteries of relationships. But for him, love extends beyond the romantic realm. It encompasses family bonds and friendships. This photography story delves into the dynamics of people, capturing moments of controlled and spontaneous communication between the models. It's an exploration of human interactions in their various forms.

Reflecting on his past, Shu recalls a breakup he had. During this challenging period, During this challenging period, Shu found solace in his friends and family. Although hurt by the breakup, it brought him closer to his loved ones. The support he received from them helped mend his wounds, making him realize that people come and go, but those who genuinely care for his will always be there.

Shu's story serves as a reminder that relationships are beautiful and painful, and ever-changing. With each encounter, we gain new insights and strength. Love may be blind, but it is also a power that shapes and molds us, leading us to deeper self-awareness and a more profound appreciation for the connections we share with the ones next to us.





Photography Shu Yu
Models Kagou Feng and Robin
Hair Shinya Fukami
Makeup Katherine Jin
Stylist Masami Okita
Assistants Yimreang and Shuran Guo
Editor eucari