Slice of Nelson Hor
Featuring Nelson Hor, video Fabian Parkes and eucari.
“I used to be afraid to show my emotions and depressed side to the world, or any friends or family,
but I realised, if I want to heal myself, I need to expose myself. To solve my problem, I need to face my pain”
Nelson Hor Ee Herng, born in Penang in 1998, is an artist based in Tokyo. He seeks to document issues related to modern society, such as mental health and discrimination against LGBTQ people. In his graduation piece, Hor decided to use letters, or more specifically, envelopes to represent his voice.
We filmed him when he had a solo exhibition within the context of a fully immersive installation, creating a space for viewers to experience how external factors can easily alter our memories, and demonstrating how parts of our brain communicate with each other as if in a room where sounds are constantly coming from other corners of the house.
これを撮影したのは彼の個展「Memory is a Garden (記憶は庭)」にて。”記憶”というテーマを白い石を引いた部屋の中に再現し、記憶というものがいかに変化しやすく曖昧であるか、完全没入型インスタレーションを作り上げた。

What slice of cake are you?
Kuih lapis, a traditional Malaysian layer cake.
During my art-making process, I enjoy hiding details and using metaphors to build layers. Some may see my work as a cute, humorous affair, but the more you invest in the concept and notion behind my art, you may find yourself enjoying the bittersweet aftertaste.
Just like us humans, we have different layers and although it doesn’t necessarily mean that each one comes with a different flavour, it’s just not going to be as tasteful if you only pick to have one certain layer. You have to taste the whole cake to appreciate the full harmony.
ケク ラピスというマレーシアのレイヤーケーキです。
Nelson Hor
Fabian Parkes