Slice of Yoshiko Kris-Webb

Yoshiko Kris-Webb is a person with many talents and she is one who rides the waves in this modern era. She models, writes columns, is a radio DJ, travel writer and interior coordinator. Have we missed anything?? She was born in Shimane and grew up in Osaka. She spent 4 and a half years in NY to become a music promoter. She went back to Japan and started working in the fashion industry in Tokyo, and she was later scouted to be a model. We visited her house and listened to her stories.

島根生まれ、大阪育ちのクリス-ウェブ 佳子。ミュージックプロモーターになるべくNYで"遊学"し、帰国後はファッションバイヤーとして活動を始めたとき、スカウトされモデルデビュー。コラムニスト、ラジオDJ、トラベルライターという肩書きに加え、好きが高じてインテリアコーディネーターとしても活躍。

Video Fabian Parkes and eucari,


Yoshiko Kris-Webb

Part of the video and other cuts.


How is your house in Osaka where you're grown up?

The house has 3 bedrooms and I shared a bedroom with my little sister. I got my study room but I always feel lonely, so I asked my dad, an architect, to his desk next to my study desk. I remember my dad worked right next to me while I did homework.

Why you went to NY when you're 18?

I wanted to be a music promoter for New York Hardcore, and also I listed to a CD by Irate, and I was fallen in love. I wanted to see them live. I visited NY and I wanted to live there. Then I moved and spent 4 and a half years. I enjoyed the life in NY, but 9.11 happened and things changed, some of my friends went back to Japan. I started working for custom order clothes shop and I made composites with photographer and make-up artist friends, and with these I went back to Japan. I called up apparel company and try to get jobs.

After that you were scouted by magazine editor unexpectedly and debut as a model, and now work as an interior coordinator. Your house is big and amazing, but what was like your house when you lived by yourself?

When you opened the door, you would have seen the dining table, and right-hand side shoes closet with full of shoes. Behind that, there was sofa, and bed was next to the big windows. In that 40m2 apartment, I invited like 10 people for dinner and everyone sat on my bed to drink and listen to the music.... That was small apartment and I used like a room in parents house. It didn't change that I feel lonely when I'm alone, so I choose furniture for gathering, and I'm happy to see my friends sleep on my sofa.







The favorite interior shops in Tokyo. 動画内で紹介されたインテリアショップはこちら。


東京都目黒区中央町1-3-2ダイアン目黒ビル4F (撮影時より移転)

ロイズ・アンティークス エゴイスト
